Thursday, 19 November 2015

Why You Need to Hire Digital Marketing Consultants

One sure way to improve your business is to have the right digital marketing strategy. Establishing a concept that is both feasible and efficient is not easy, and that is where a digital consultant comes in. Hiring a consultant to help with your digital marketing will come with its merits. One of those is the chance to develop ideas that work.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Digital Marketing Strategy Tips—How to Find the Right Content Agency?

Regularly producing content plays a crucial role in an effective digital marketing strategy. Not many businesses, however, have the time, money, and resources to maintain an in-house writing team that can provide a good number of high-quality industry information articles in a timely manner. As a result, content generation falls merely as a side task to already occupied marketers. If this is your case, why not take some load of your shoulders by entrusting the task to a larger network of writers? Aside from saving time and effort, you’ll be able to update your blog regularly and ensure that the content you publish are written from diverse and fresher perspectives. Don’t know how to choose a company to outsource your content generation to? Below are three things to look for so you can narrow down your options: Actions consistent with claims. Certainly, all your prospect partners will say they deliver quality work (who wouldn’t?).

Monday, 9 November 2015

Is Your Digital Marketing Strategy Driving Away Your Audience Instead?

Surely by now, most businesses already know that one of the best ways to edge out their competition is to engage with their customers regularly. Social platforms like Facebook and Twitter have made it easier for businesses to communicate with their audience. Sadly, not everyone are engaging the right way, and are instead earning the ire of their audiences with overtly and overly promotional messages. Some businesses believe that the best way of engaging with their audience is to lead the conversation, while creating connections and setting their customers’ expectations along the way. To truly engage with their audience, however, businesses need to do the opposite and let their customers lead the conversation, while delivering the best experience to them.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Ebb and Flow: Importance of Digital Consultation

Having a digital marketing consultant is, in many cases, step one of moving ahead in the digital marketing world. A consultant is inherently a specialist: they know your needs, the needs of your competitors, and the current shape of the marketplace, and they use this to keep your company ahead of the game.

Monday, 21 September 2015

SEO Tips to Keep in Mind—Reviews and Local Targets

It can be difficult for professionals to achieve a steady stream of clients. After all, your natural market will eventually dry up, which makes lead generation all the more important. Fortunately, lead generation difficulties can be addressed by engaging in an effective SEO campaign. 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

4 Ways to Enhance Your Digital Marketing Strategy with Social Media

Social media marketing has become an essential tool for the success of any business. In fact, building custom pages for your business in social media like Facebook and Twitter is already a foot in the door to generating large numbers of new sales leads for profit. If you can harness social media correctly, you can help your digital marketing strategy reach stratospheric heights. Here are 4 important items that should be considered for a successful social media campaign. Create a vision for your efforts When your social media efforts have vision, your strategies start to have purpose and become more deliberate. This will translate better to your audience, allowing them to have a greater understanding of what your page has to offer. Over time, your social media pages will become a trusted hub for your target market and begin to attract potential customers beyond your local community.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Getting Professional Help with Digital Marketing

If you’re thinking of getting some professional help with your digital marketing but don’t know where to start, you may want to think about assistance in the form of a digital marketing consultant. Maybe you’re worried about justifying the spending in this area. Well, digital marketing trends are on the rise, with so many people online these days across various devices, both mobile and static. It’s important you don’t get left behind.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Bringing Websites into the Modern Era

The World Wide Web as a mainstream part of society is barely 25 years old and there’s a modest chance that many websites which were active at that dawn are no longer running today. These may have been optimized to run on defunct browsers such as Netscape Navigator or even on Internet Explorer with a 680x480 resolution, and as such, are no longer operable in today’s modern browsers.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Make Your Social Media Work: Notes from a Digital Marketing Consultant

Social media is one of the most powerful digital marketing strategy tools you can use to grow your business. You can create an account for free in virtually all platforms and reach a broad range of audiences, allowing you to connect while discovering new market niches to exploit. While social media channels are useful tools for business, you need to ask yourself if you are effectively using the system. If your social media efforts do not seem to be generating any new leads or conversions for you, you need to alter your approach.

Monday, 6 July 2015

The Benefits of Outsourcing Digital Marketing

Australia is one of the most competitive markets in the world. It therefore only stands to reason that any SME is looking to achieve an edge over its rivals. Traditional in-house marketing and optimisation strategies may not necessarily be the best options, though. What are the advantages of outsourcing this aspect to a professional firm?

Friday, 5 June 2015

The Local Buzz Phenomenon: A Digital Marketing Strategy that Works

The vastness of the Internet makes it hard for your business to reach out to your target market. Chances are you are advertising to the wrong audience, which in turn inhibits your website from generating organic traffic. Besides wasting money on an ineffective strategy, you are starting to fall behind in the race. If you’re experiencing this dilemma, you need a digital marketing strategy that can sieve visitors to your website, targeting only potential customers.

Monday, 1 June 2015

When It’s Time To Outsource Digital Marketing

If there’s one concept you need to know about outsourcing business practices, it’s this: any process or service that doesn’t directly improve customer service, or entice new customers as a whole must be outsourced. Outsourcing your digital marketing has its perks, and you can reap the benefits in no time, but first, you need to know the signs that tell you when it’s time to farm the process out.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

The Best Channels for Digital Marketing

In the same way a person can express himself through written or spoken prose, a business can also share what they have to say online through digital channels. However, with many channels available for your use, what are the most effective ones that you can use in your digital marketing strategy?

Even today, email marketing still remains the most cost-efficient yet effective way of reaching out to a wider audience. Many people think that email marketing has become outdated, giving way to more sophisticated means of communication. However, it has been foreseen that, by 2017, there will be more than 1.1 billion business email accounts, and 77 percent of all email accounts will be from consumers.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

3 Digital Marketing Strategy Mistakes Professional Firms Should Avoid

Are you thinking of starting your own service firm? Whether you’re in the accounting, recruitment, legal, or financial advisory profession, you will need an expert SEO firm to partner with to plan a solid digital marketing strategy for your business website. Your market may be vast, but so are your competitors. For starters, avoid these three common digital marketing mistakes that can trip you up and keep you trailing behind the competition. # 1 Sounding like everyone else Quality service, valued client, deliver results— these are just some of the clichéd flowery words used by all firms. Do you actually think people take time to read them? These words sound great but they’re empty if you don’t back them up with facts.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Effective Digital Marketing Strategy: Start by Knowing Your Customers

An effective digital marketing strategy calls for a deep understanding of a company’s target audience. Customers, after all, are the most important people for any establishment or organization, and one’s reputation and profits are highly dependent upon their loyalty and repeat business. Failing to take the customer into consideration when creating a marketing strategy may lessen the likelihood of marketing success, and imminently threaten a company’s chance of survival. According to an article from, “without the right strategy, you are simply wasting resources. The key is to begin by developing an understanding of your customers, identifying the goals you want to achieve, then selecting a digital marketing strategy that will help you to reach both your target audience and goals.”

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Mixing Print and Digital Marketing

Now that everything is being done online, most businesses think that print marketing is already irrelevant. However, not all digital marketing efforts reap the desired results, as online ads in every form can still be ignored by the viewing public. Hence, the best way to devise an effective marketing strategy is to mix digital and print marketing.

A Consistent Image

One key component of an effective strategy is having a recognisable and consistent image in the form of a strong logo. Keeping your logo consistent among all platforms, from printed cards to your social media accounts, can contribute to better name recall among members of the target market.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Top Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Consultant

Even if you have an in-house team of experts to craft your own marketing strategies, it is always a wise move to bring in digital marketing consultants who can provide a fresh, objective perspective. In addition, you stand to gain the following advantages:

Monday, 23 March 2015

Give Digital Marketing Strategy a Twist: Publish a Book for Your Firm

Service-based businesses in your industry might be becoming more competitive, and everyone else might already be investing in various tactics for a more comprehensive digital marketing strategy. A good starting point is to find out what would make your business stand out. For law offices, financial consultations, accounting firms, and the like, being able to position your business as an authority in the field is essential to garner attention and attract more prospective clients—and one sure-fire way to project expertise is through book authorship. Publishing your own book can help your business go the extra mile. If well-written, you can earn major attention through different media outlets such as newspapers, television, and radio. You can also use your book as reference for the content of your blogs, vlogs, and social media posts.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Online Marketing Company Publishes Bestselling Book on Web Strategy

Today, potential clients can easily go online and look up lawyers, consultants, accountants, and financial advisors all over the world, so you need to be as visible as possible to make your mark in the market. This reality is what makes a well-executed digital marketing strategy indispensable if you want to differentiate yourself in the industry. Your Firm Everywhere Now, a leading online marketing company, understands this need intimately. This is why the company’s founder, Michael Alf, wrote and published Your Company Everywhere Now as a guide for managing partners, directors, CEOs, and other concerned individuals on how to establish their firms as authorities in their respective markets.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Digital Marketing No-no’s and How to Avoid Them

Lately, digital marketing has been turning into one of the components that businesses have been putting their capital on. That said, even digital marketing campaigns are subject to blunders and mishandling which can drain your budget. As such, here are a couple of such blunders and some tips on how to mitigate, and even eliminate, their occurrence in your marketing ventures.