Thursday, 30 July 2015

Bringing Websites into the Modern Era

The World Wide Web as a mainstream part of society is barely 25 years old and there’s a modest chance that many websites which were active at that dawn are no longer running today. These may have been optimized to run on defunct browsers such as Netscape Navigator or even on Internet Explorer with a 680x480 resolution, and as such, are no longer operable in today’s modern browsers.

In today’s more connected world, websites are going to need a highly modernized appearance to survive. If your website is due for a much-needed update, a preferred digital marketing consultant can help in a number of fronts:

Start Using HTML5

HTML coding has advanced by leaps and bounds. Through HTML5, a website can use functions that make it easier to load and also show a cleaner, organized appearance even with custom design elements. 

Invest in New Typography

Times New Roman is often the default typeface setting for older websites and a website modernization effort should dispense with this altogether. A replacement will depend on research on which typefaces best exemplify the business branding and promote ease of reading. 

Minimize Widgets

Some business owners think that adding widgets can add more traffic, but in actuality, they add more clutter and loading time to the page presentation. Have your digital marketing agency teach you how to simplify functionality and limit widgets to the most effective ones.

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