Friday, 5 June 2015

The Local Buzz Phenomenon: A Digital Marketing Strategy that Works

The vastness of the Internet makes it hard for your business to reach out to your target market. Chances are you are advertising to the wrong audience, which in turn inhibits your website from generating organic traffic. Besides wasting money on an ineffective strategy, you are starting to fall behind in the race. If you’re experiencing this dilemma, you need a digital marketing strategy that can sieve visitors to your website, targeting only potential customers.

Monday, 1 June 2015

When It’s Time To Outsource Digital Marketing

If there’s one concept you need to know about outsourcing business practices, it’s this: any process or service that doesn’t directly improve customer service, or entice new customers as a whole must be outsourced. Outsourcing your digital marketing has its perks, and you can reap the benefits in no time, but first, you need to know the signs that tell you when it’s time to farm the process out.